Welcome to the Scugog Lake Stewards

Scugog Lake Stewards Inc. is an all volunteer group dedicated to sustaining and enhancing the health of Lake Scugog and its watershed through the promotion of PROJECTS, RESEARCH. EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP.  It is a Registered Charitable Organization incorporated in 2003 and audited annually.  Your involvement in our work, your actions and your knowledge are critical to the health of the lake.


Dr. Kirkwood and her students have been working around and on Lake Scugog since 2016 and she cares deeply for this very interesting, very large lake which is under stress because of climate change, invasive species and increasing development.  The question is … just what are the best solutions for keeping it healthy in the future. All is not bleak.  But we all must be aware of its vulnerability in these times.



A Message from our President 

The Lake Scugog Stewards have been engaged in reviewing, consulting on and engaging with others on a major development proposal being promoted by Avenu Properties.

This development is being proposed on about 62 acres of property located on the south side of Harbour Castle Road and abutting Cawkers Creek.  Council has been requested by the proponent to request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to enact a Minister’s Zoning Order for a medium density, 582-unit development supported by private communal wastewater treatment servicing.  In June, the Stewards participated in a consultation meeting organized by the proponent and we were encouraged to consider the merits of the project. In a subsequent meeting with the Township CAO and Director of Development Services, we were encouraged to seek an opportunity to make a deputation before Council at a meeting on June 24.

Accordingly, President Rob Messervey made a deputation before Council on June 24, together with a number of other deputants.  A key message to Council from the Stewards was that the request to the Province to approve an MZO was premature in many respects.  For example, it seems infeasible to establish a density and development plan for the property without science-based environmental studies to confirm the extent of the Environmental Protection Zones and wetland boundaries.  Further, it seems infeasible to establish densities without comprehensive geotechnical and hydrogeological studies needed to address soil stability and the carrying capacity of the site to accommodate 582 units, a private, communal wastewater disposal system and storm water management infrastructure.

Our deputation also discussed the vulnerability of Lake Scugog and particularly the shoreline and outlet of Cawkers Creek to any form of impact from the development. We noted that based on long-term monitoring and some sampling in mid-June of Cawkers Creek and its outlet, virtually all environmental and water quality parameters such as Total Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Chlorides and benthic macroinvertebrates get a grade of D or F.  We also suggested to Council that one option in dealing with the request from the proponent was to refer the matter to staff for a full assessment and report back to Council with recommendations.  We were pleased and relieved that Council decided to do just that and Council has asked staff to report back to Council Committee in September.  We hope to be part of any such consultations that may occur as part of this staff-led process.

We understand pressure on municipalities to support the provision of a diversity of housing, including affordable housing.  But we question whether this is an acceptable location in whole or in part to meet those housing targets.

In the meantime, we have filed a written submission with the Township’s Department of Development Services based on their circulation of a notice and invitation to do so by July 30.  In framing our written submission, we had the opportunity to further review the proponent’s brief and a myriad of science-based reports, and examine the implications of an MZO as laid out in Bill 185 and the Planning Act.  We also engaged with our Science Advisor to the Board, with other environmental organizations and local ratepayers to consider various perspectives about the proposal.

We will report further in our next newsletter.

Rob Messervey, BES MPA

President, Scugog Lake Stewards



Our 2023 Annual Report 2023 SLS Annual Report Rev 4 which will outline the work that we have accomplished in 2023.



Click here to view the webcam mounted on the Port Perry Marina.

It is time limited for viewing. 


Our mission is to preserve, protect and enhance Lake Scugog.  Like other lakes, our Lake Scugog faces the challenges of invasive species, sedimentation, water quality and lake level issues.  It is our job to work with partners to ensure the lake remains healthy and attractive for future generations.

Rob Messervey, President

  • A person doing research on a boat wearing a UOIT tshirt


    If we are to know what to do for the lake, we first must understand it.  We are fortunate to have excellent support and partners to do this. Enjoy the information on this site and our Youtube Videos.

  • Lake Scugog Enhancement Project

    Enhancement Project

    Over the years, work will be carried out to help our lake. The first improvement must start where the need is greatest for the whole lake, Port Perry Bay, through the Lake Scugog Enhancement Project.

  • Invasive Species

    Other Work

    The Stewards continually work on a wide range of projects: community education about the lake, invasive species prevention, improved fishing, Lake Week, lake level management and the Lindsay Dam, advocacy on various committees and much more.

  • Become a Member Lake Steward

    Become a Member / Donate

    Our work is important to your community. We would hope that you would Donate to the Enhancement Project, our Research or all importantly to the running of our organization and other projects.