Shoreline protection

Best protection methods:

Some form of Shoreline protection is essential for Lake Scugog shorelines.  Shorelines that are not protected appropriately will fail and result not only in heavy damage to the property, but the actual loss of property dimension into the lake through erosion. This erosion is one of the reasons that Lake Scugog is getting shallower and shallower.


This damage is probably compounded by bringing in equipment and once again leveling the edge, thus once again releasing soil and its load of nutrients into the lake again.

Our solution: Arrange for a one-on-one visit with the Stewardship representative from Kawartha Conservation, by calling 1-800-668-5722.  This is directly from their website. 

More to come, under construction. 

Find information about shoreline work permits see,  Trent-Severn Waterway: