Shoreline Protection

Ice Damage
Shoreline ice push-up on Honey’s Beach Rd.

The Stewards’ shoreline concerns and solutions

Some form of Shoreline protection is essential for Lake Scugog shorelines.  Shorelines that are not protected appropriately will fail and result not only in heavy damage to the property, but the actual loss of property dimension into the lake through erosion. This erosion is one of the reasons that Lake Scugog is getting shallower and shallower.

This damage is probably compounded by bringing in equipment and once again leveling the edge, thus once again releasing soil and its load of nutrients into the lake again.

Our solution: Arrange for a one-on-one visit with the Stewardship representative from Kawartha Conservation, by calling 1-800-668-5722.  This is directly from their website. 

2018 Healthy Shoreline Program

protected shoreline
A low slope and round stones force the ice up and over.

Join Kawartha Conservation Staff to talk about your shoreline property. Discuss simple techniques you can take to add beauty, function, and protection to your shoreline property while contributing to improved water quality and natural habitat! Come find out how to receive up to $200 worth of free native plants to help enhance your shoreline, or get monetary help with your  shoreline erosion protection through the Scugog Water fund!

Shorelines are often called the “ribbon of life.” That’s because they are critical to the ecological health of lakes and rivers. How you manage your shoreline can make a big difference, and best management practices can provide many benefits, such as the following:

  • Protect water quality by reducing the amount of nutrients, bacteria, contaminants, and sediments that reach your lake or river
  • Reduce erosion and sedimentation that can impact fish spawning beds
  • Provide wildlife habitat for native species such as wild flowers, shrubs, birds, dragon flies, and butterflies, as well as frogs and fish
  • Deter nuisance Canada Geese that can make a mess and contribute to elevated E.coli in the water.

What Can You Do?

There are many ways to contribute to the health of your shoreline, and the health of your lake or river. Here are some of the actions you can take:

  • Maintain existing natural shoreline, including trees and vegetation
  • Do not mow the lawn all the way to the water—allow natural vegetation to grow at least 3 meters up from the water
  • Plant native shrubs and grasses in your ‘no-mow-zone’ that have deep root systems to help stabilize the ground
  • Ensure your septic system is pumped and inspected every 3 years, and upgraded when needed
  • Avoid the use of fertilizer on your lawn, and use natural lawn care techniques
  • Obtain permits for larger shoreline projects to ensure best practices in design and construction
  • Reduce rainwater runoff by installing rain barrels, permeable pavers, or a raingarden.

Find out more about actions you can take and the benefits they provide by downloading the Landowner Guide to Protecting Water Quality in the Kawarthas.

Additional Resources